About Glide Academy...
Ipakanni Early College Charter School (IECCS) is excited to announce Glide Academy, a supplemental educational session offering 6-12 graders a wide variety of educational opportunities, such as…
...One-on-one tutoring to maximize graduation rates for seniors, as well as grade-to-grade progress for 6-11 levels, and help all students accomplish A-G requirements
...Advancing accelerated learners more quickly
...Helping students plan class schedules that aid graduation efficiency and align with college
and career aspirations
...Facilitating exploration of student career interests and related professional networking within and beyond the local community
Additional Information: Below are some important facts and rules of the Glide Academy...
Meeting Time: Glide Academy sessions will be conducted every Saturday from 9am-1pm.
Free Admission: There is no cost to attend Glide sessions. All instruction and learning materials will be provided completely free of charge.
No Breakfast/Lunch Provided: Student breakfast and lunch is the responsibility of parents/guardians. IECCS will not provide any meals.
Does NOT Replace Regular Classes: Glide Academy does not substitute for the requirements of regular Monday-Friday classes. All attendance/coursework demands of the weekly school session remain firmly in place.
Behavior Expectations: All behavior rules currently governing IECCS weekly classes— detailed in the IECCS student handbook—extend directly to Glide Academy sessions as well.